
CannySites.com logo and starburst

Welcome to the Holiday & Travel Directory from CannySites.com – a business proudly based in Gateshead, UK, whose raison d’être is about creating web directories and content that people want to use, click through, and share.

If you’re one of our site’s lovely readers, then welcome! Our aim is to be your source for holiday, travel and tourism-related stores and services. From big UK high-street names to online specialists at home and abroad, you’ll find them all here, alongside lots of useful travel Hints and Tips and reviews of Places We Like. You can also check out the latest updates on our Twitter and Facebook.

Equally, if you’re a tourism-related business, or a web or marketing agency working on behalf of one, our aim – by building a site lovingly designed for humans – is to attract you to advertise with us, helping you showcase your products and reach new customers. So drop us a line, and let’s have a chat!